Monday, September 20, 2010

The Dismal Science Redefined

Current economic theory is less a science than an ideology peculiar to a certain period of history, which may well be nearing an end...

[Economists are] the jilted lovers of the science world – the more rigidly they approach their subject, the more it mocks them with spurious and headstrong behaviour.
Since this blog started, I've been constantly commenting on the dearth of empirical evidence that lies behind many of the attributed economic theories of our time and the persistent irrationality, if not complete fraud, of proponents of modern economics.  Many noted persons who are economists, like Paul Krugman and J. Brad DeLong, have likewise stated how the field has become a self-serving entity, that is in many cases polluted beyond the point of usefulness.  The above quotes, culled from a Globe and Mail newspaper opinion piece by Brian Milner titled "Economists and their fairy tale world of prognostication," is another indictment of the dismal science's ability to actually be a science.  The central basis of any science is its ability to factually explain natural phenomenon, testability of theories, reproducibility of experiments, and its ability to predict future events.  Economics, or at least that set of dogma pedalled in the MSM, doesn't pass any of the above criteria. 

If economists want their profession be taken seriously, then they should start actually calling out those on their side who have perennially gotten it wrong and banish them.

The entire fable of sustainable capitalism is disintegrating all around us like the dreamscape in the movie Inception.  The communists of China, through their mercantile and corrupt practices, are acquiring natural resources across the globe and buying friends everywhere.  The new globalization that peaked in the last decade is slowly devolving.  The financial system that imploded in 2008, has only been patched together with band-aid remedies and awaits further paralysis in the near future.  China, Europe, and America are all betting against the odds, that growth will magically return and the masses will defer sharpening their pitchforks until another day.

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