Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Todd S. Purdum on Sarah Palin | vanityfair.com

Andrew Sullivan's criticism of Sarah Palin during the 2008 election was devastating and continues to be unyielding. As a conservative commentator, he dispels any doubt that her choice as VP was a grotesque political folly and perhaps, to the persistent detriment of the Republicans, the single most important reason why independent and moderate voters thought John McCain was unfit to be President. Sullivan excoriates Palin in his review of the Todd Purdum's Vanity Fair piece, which in itself is an examination of the duplicity, fraud, and freakishness of the candidate of "real Americans."

Sullivan states:
The narcissism, the pathological and incessant lying, the viciousness, the delusions of grandeur, the vindictiveness, the fathomless and proud ignorance, the opportunism, the vanity, the white trash concupiscence and fraudulence in almost every respect: these are now indisputable. How an advanced democracy came that close to having this farce of a candidate running the most powerful country on earth reveals how deep the corruption of our politics and especially our media are.

As an aside, America at the federal level is not a democracy. America is a plutocracy, as it is defined by the "fusion of money and government" and controlled by a small elite of wealthy individuals (including corporations). If one recognizes this fact, it then is not unexpected that the titular (public) leaders of both predominant parties are often populist molded figureheads who espouse so-called average middle-American sensibilities. As an example, in the 2008 elections, Republican candidates McCain, Giuliani, and Romney each were multi-millionaires and portrayed themselves as vanguards of entrepreneurs, middle-class people, and the religiously devout. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton, Edwards, and Obama were all millionaires and equally pledged allegiance to America's poor, minority groups, and middle class values. Earlier this year when Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL), Majority Whip, attempted to pass legislation to provide homeowners with the legal option of changing mortgage terms, bank lobbyists assisted in defeating the bill. Durbin stated, "And the banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Save Me… from organized Charlatans!

This week’s examination of faith-based lunacy comes in a family-friendly ‘value’ package of three.

A) National Baptist Convention USA, the oldest and largest African American religious convention in America, with an estimated membership of 7.5 million, is holding its convention in Detroit this weekend. What is unique about this particular gathering is that the former leader of this group, Rev. Henry Lyons, who was convicted of, “Racketeering and grand theft and sentenced to prison for bilking nearly $4 million from corporations seeking business with the convention and stealing nearly $250,000 donated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith for burned Black churches in the South” has returned and is once again seeking the organization’s leadership.

Maybe its just Detroit, which persistently fields politicians like former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who was found guilty of obstruction of justice, or Councilwoman Monica Conyers, wife of Congressmen John Conyers Jr. (D-MI), who recently pled guilty to bribery and conspiracy charges. Regardless, what I find so luminating is how so many conservative black Americans are willing to endorse and accommodate the rise of these predators in both their spiritual and political lives. Apparently God does work in mysterious ways…

B) Turning from crooked black theologians to crazy-train riding black parishioners is the following case of a Gay-Exorcism in Connecticut. Having enjoyed the cinematic release of ”A Haunting in Connecticut” the locals went looking for and found some juicy gay-demon ass to kick (albeit in the form of a sixteen year old boy). The accompaning youtube video shows the child to be writhing in pain on the floor and vomiting. A church elder shouts, “Right now in the name of Jesus, I call the homosexuality, right now in the name of Jesus.”

C) The final story shows that religious quackery knows no racial barrier is of a Louisville, Kentucky pastor who is encouraging his flock to come lock n’ loaded to his holy house of worship. Obviously, he has been in touch with the folks in Connecticut, who know them Damn’ Gay Demons could be lurking everywhere, even under a church pew. Chris W. Cox, legislative director of the NRA proudly states, “We have right-to-carry laws in over 40 states; 20 years ago, it was in just six.”

These right-wing half-wits, have been responsible over the years for fire-bombing black attended churches, shooting “liberal” congregationists, and most recently murdering an abortion doctor, while he was in his own church. So it makes complete sense, why these people need guns at their churches. Obviously they have to defend themselves against the black-helicopter owning liberal swine that are relentlessly hunting them down to eliminate their cherished gun-totting liberties. What else could it be?

God bless America.

Do you want Cheese with that?

"Yeah that's right... seven Inches of dark hot meat?"

Burger King over the past few years has made a marketing decision to pursue the hunter class of consumers; "young men after the largest possible amount of meat and grease, who aren't so concerned with cost." There aren't any Thai salads, leafy goodness, or nutrition, just plain old meaty excess.

Sexualization of advertisement is hardly new. Tarted up 'Bratz' dolls for young girls, chesty Hooter's girls serving chicken wings, and Viagra for grandpa commercials are the norm. So it's hardly worth noting when a company goes after the pimple-faced and fatty-kid demographic, whose only encounter with the opposite sex involves them stalking one in a virtual X-Box game. Aware that providing "There's something in Mary" DVD's in happy-meals may not go over well with the general public, they decided to go to the next level.

Initially the ad looks more like a satire of machismo culture that would better fit Argentina rather than the American Midwest. I'm sure the Andrea Dworkin crowd is already making the claim that this ad promotes "wife-beating" and infidelity. On the other hand, I wonder if South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford is a fan of this ad? Either way, other than creating hype for the BK franchise, I'm not sure promoting heart-stopping and artery clogging meat-on-a-stick really does much for the rest of us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Pacific isn’t the only ocean collecting plastic trash | csmonitor.com

The Pacific isn’t the only ocean collecting plastic trash csmonitor.com

The idea of a garbage “patch” or “island” twice the size of Texas, a favorite term in the media for the now-infamous spot in the Pacific, feeds misconceptions, he says. “It’s much worse. If it were an island, we could go get it. But we can’t,” because it’s a “thin soup of plastic fragments.”

Cost externalizing is a socio-economical term describing how a business maximizes its profits by off loading indirect costs and forcing negative effects to a third party. In this case we the consumer, who purchase everything from plastic bags, drink bottles, coffee with plastic lids, and a barrage of small single-usage items are the primary culprits here. I've seen rivers congested with plastic bags in Indochina and streams saturated with crunched up plastic bottles in South America. We consider this type of pollution someone else's concern. Few accept or understand that contamination of the "commons" and toxification and demise of ocean life are all costs that shall be borne by us collectively as a species in the near future.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Burnin' for you

I've heard of smokin' double barreled guns before, but even Prince (or the artist who formerly had talent) never went this far!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tweedledee versus Tweedledum: Democrats vs. Republicans

Does anyone remember why Bill "aka Bubba" Clinton got elected in 1992 the first place?

It could have been the twelve disastrous years under Reagan-Bush that left the country with the largest debt since the Second World War, three recessions, the stock market crash of 1987, $160 Billion spent rescuing the Saving & Loan industry, the post cold-war peace dividend spent invading Panama and Iraq (the first time), or the looming threat of seeing more American jobs being shipped overseas through NAFTA during a harsh economic turn-down. My opinion is that the primary reason, if you exclude that Ross Perot received 18.9% of the vote, was affordable health care for all American citizens.

Americans did not want another free-market dogmatist, they wanted a fresh face to run the affairs of state and provide them with minimal health care coverage, that other great superpowers like Denmark and Australia were able to provide to their own. During his candidacy Clinton heavily promoted and invested in the theme of health care reform. However, after loosing the lower house in '94 to Newt (who names their child after an amphibian?) Gingrich, Clinton switched teams and told everyone, "Don't ask and Don't tell!"

Sixteen years later the Obama administration and USA are in the same conundrum that 'Bubba' was facing in 1993, but worst. Bill Maher states what has been obvious for years, that the Democrats and Republicans who hold power are merely two heads of the same mutant jackass, that has long been ridden by the rapacious lobbyists of K-Street. When the actions of Nicholas Sarkozy, the conservative president of France, is demonstrably more liberal than the policies of Barack Obama, what really then is the most appropriate label for the current American president?

Maher with his classic sarcasm tells:

Every time Obama takes on a major 'progressive' cause there is a major party standing in his way; the Democrats...

When you go to the polls your choice is for the guy who voted for the first bailout or the guy who voted for the next ten...

Shouldn't there be one party that unambiguously supports cutting the military budget, a party that is straight up in favor of gun control, gay marriage, higher taxes on the rich, universal health care, legalizing pot, and steep direct taxing of polluters?

...What we need is an actual progressive party to represent the millions of Americans who aren't being served by the Democrats, because bottom line: Democrats are the new Republicans.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Capital G Award: The Music Industry

The first official recipient of the "Capital G" Award for unbridled greed and dishonesty goes to the bete-noire of all dormitory-insulated students and MP3 toting technophiles, the music industry and its copyright shrieking attack dogs (my apologies to most canines).

You’re saying: “Man… isn’t Kenney ‘Boy’ Lay and friends, who is magnificently framed in the adjacent picture, and who stole billions from customers and shareholders or the recent wave of corporate frauds doing their perp-walk into US Congressional hallways for further public handouts, more worthy recipients?” Indeed they are, but lets not bite off too much our first time mon ami.

Every decade in the twentieth century had specific sounds and creative elements that both inspired youth and infuriated cultural conservatives. At the turn of the century, black musicians began introducing “the blues,” a direct progeny of the old time Negro spirituals that elicited soulful feelings of hopelessness and misery. The sounds that emerged from this genre were far from mainstream and were considered unfit for refined upper-class consumption. In the 1920’s the sounds and flavors of African music continued to percolate through society with the evolution of jazz, which at the time was considered the ‘Devil’s music’ by encouraging inter-racial mingling and purportedly raucous dancing.

The transformative rhythms and sounds that emerged from the children of former slaves, created throughout the 20th C. numerous acoustic innovations, in the likes of rock n’ roll, R&B’s, 70’s punk, Hip-Hop, Chicago house, Detroit techno, and urban rap. What would our world be today without these sounds and the legendary performances by those artists? What would the 60’s been without Jimi ‘Are you Experienced’ Hendrix; the 70’s without Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd; the 80’s without The Police and REM; the 90’s without Pearl Jam, electronica, and white suburbanite kids ‘whigging’ to Public Enemy? Music of the 20th Century transcended class, ethnicity, and geography, and brought forth the expansion of western idealism, the undermining of communism, and a universal human connection.

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century what do we have to show for ourselves? At first there was the demise and fall of the pre-fabricated teen bands, only to be resurrected in the buffoonery of ‘American Idol.’ Every band that ever made money in the last quarter of the 20th century and few that did not, went back on the road to allow devoted fans to witness, as in the case of the Rolling Stones, that last fitful glance of Mick dancing like a chicken on Viagra. In the decade of the war against global terrorism we were subjected to a vast litany of re-heated and recycled sounds and entertainers. Urban hip-hop degenerated into guttural sounds encompassing such vibrant themes as “who’s the bigger thug”, “who’s got more bee-a-tches”, and how long someone can spool a 3-second bass and drum riff into an entire song. The decade of the zeros was a cultural wasteland bereft of a singular example of creativity.

Having done nothing to encourage new ideas, new sounds, or even promoting artists with talent, the music industry has engaged in a decade long assault on its customers, by lecturing, taunting, intimidating, and suing us. Earlier this month, the RIAA obtained a $1.92 million judgment against Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a single mother living in Minnesota who denied illegally downloading, in a jury trial in Federal court in Minnesota. Her crime was placing twenty-four (that’s 24 as in the hours in a day) songs on the old Kazaa file-sharing network. These pirates of high-capitalism have filed more than 30,000 similar copyright lawsuits against people they accuse of illegally swapping songs through Internet file-sharing services.

Once a mundane area of legal activity, copyright law has morphed into an all-encompassing juggernaut that can be found at the heart of many art and science disputes. Copyright litigation has entailed such high-minded cases as suing the Girl Scouts of America over the use of campfire songs and biotech firms demanding royalties on the detection of cancer causing human genes in sick patients. Ultimately these corporations and their legal shills do not improve our society; they do not make our society more decent, freer, or creative as this decade has proven. What they and their greed-head management want is nothing more than what the financial mandarins of Wall Street have been doing this dismal decade of deceit, that is creating money, for themselves of course, from nothing. These are the rancid offspring of Ivan Boeskey, 1980’s trader and convicted felon, who proclaimed, “I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself.”

Well Boesky, RIAA, and all you music industry executives; fuck you!

The basis of copyright has been to provide the creators of new works an exclusive right to profit from their intellectual property for a limited period. Everything in our lives is to some extent borrowed, extended, or graft onto our individual being. Muddy Waters wrote famously that, “Blues had a baby and they named it rock and roll.” The point being, is that many corporations and white musicians like Elvis profited handsomely throughout the 20th century from the originators of the blues, jazz, bluegrass, country music, and rock and roll, but never felt it necessary to pay compensation to those who created the music in the first place. In fact, on more than a few occasions, these lamprey-faced pickpockets did not even live up to their fiduciary responsibilities to their actual black clients and simply pocketed the royalties for themselves.

In April 2009, Bono issued a statement on behalf of Pay for Musicians, saying, “It’s only fair that when radio makes money by playing a recording artist’s music ... the recording artist should be compensated just as songwriters are already.” What was the industry’s response to making sure that artists are adequately compensated for their work? U2 had their single “Get on your boots” pulled from some radio stations play lists in retaliation for supporting royalties for musicians.

What then is the value of the music industry?

They don’t produce or promote the generation of quality music.

They treat their clients (the musicians) with contempt.

They harass and sue single women and children on bogus and inflated charges.

For all these reasons, the music industry receives my first Capital-G award for corporate greed, legalized parasitism, and gross public incompetence.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

9200 uncatalogued pathogens found at US lab - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist

9200 uncatalogued pathogens found at US lab - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist

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My old research advisor was a pack rat and as a result, I always had to pull out the biohazard friendly circular filer bin to make room for my enzymes, chemical preps, and assorted stuff by cleaning out the fridge. In the process I'd find sticks of C-14 still clicking away, expired petri dishes, and miscellaneous chemical reagents from 1977.

The article illustrates why you need super-clean "Seinfeld-eque" nerds running labs. When you open your freezer and there's a couple hamburger patties that got loose that's one thing, but when 9,200 vials of the most deadly human pathogens on the planet just happen to be floating around at the bottom of your crisper its time for the Military Police to start doing audits.

And to think all they had to do was check their liquid nitrogen filled crisper's to catch the Anthrax-mailer!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chillout session: clubbed to death

Statism and its believers

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

- CS Lewis

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The real price of liberty...

What I find more infuriating and repellent than the pusillanimous double-speak of the Mullahs and the truncheon waiving crudity of their paid henchmen, is the abysmal coverage of this transformative event by the Western media. On one hand you have the Legion of Jackals in the likes of Brit Hume of FOX news, who have declared that the Obama administration has a vested interest in perpetuating the Ahmedinejad presidency. Other like minded public management organizations in the MSM (Mainstream Media) have paid equally scant attention to the issues at hand and/or given their standard mealy-mouth prognosis of the subject.

The reasons are simple: when you begin to understand that there are millions of people who truly live under the boot of tyranny, who know very well that any sort of protest against their leaders may lead to beatings, torture, and even death, but are willing to stand, shout, and let the world know that these filthy despots cannot control them and they will fight for their liberty, then our own pathetic lives seem terribly vacuous.

People should then ask the simple question of themselves; how it is that students, middle aged businessmen, and housewives can frighten dictatorships, but yet we the sovereign, we the people who supposedly hold the power in our democracy, we who own the airwaves, roads, and public institutions are powerless to change the events in our lives? Why is it that so few of us will stand up to our own lecherous governments when they institute torture as a national policy, remove rights that have existed for centuries, record our every conversations, emails, and movement, and when despite overwhelming opinion propel us into the maw of perpetual war?

Kurtz stated the answer in Apocalypse Now, "They lie. They lie and we have to be merciful for those who lie, for those nabobs. I hate them. I do hate them."

We are always being lied to. We are always being distracted. We are always being fed industrially refined and research tested propaganda. To make things worst, the dimmest of the population when asked will begin kicking sand in everyone's faces over such incredibly irrelevant issues such as gay marriage, what level of taxation your estate will be subject to when you're dead, and should stem cells be legally considered as fully formed human beings. So when the subject of revolution does occur, when people naturally ask why are people dying for their freedom, we are asked and told to look away, because the sight may be of detriment to our own government.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ahmadinejad- A Useful Idiot

The Power Behind Ahmadinejad's Disputed Win: Ayatullah Khamenei - Yahoo! News

Christopher Hitchens in his 14 June Slate article describes the type of characters who are Ahmadinejad's adherents
I went to the last major Ahmadinejad rally and got the whiff of what I imagine fascism to have been all about. Lots of splotchy boys who can't get a date are given guns and told they're special.
There certainly are attributes of fascism, which are clearly expressed in the convoluted theocracy that is the Islamic Republic of Iran. Nationalism, belligerent foreign policy, ethnic and class superiority, and authoritarianism are readily identifiable traits. However, the lack of a corporate dominated core and the weakness of the punditry class to adequately define Islamo-fascism other than in the most vague of metaphysical terms leads me to dismiss the label and accept that the Mullahs and their supporters are just good-ole-thugs at heart flying a revolutionary flag of convenience. The Iranian theocracy in my opinion is no different than any other autocratic junta who has seized power through military means and mob assistance. It is hardly a surprise that Ahmadinejad, instead of being a shrewd and refined politician is merely a punch-drunk lackey of the mullahs parading around in proletarian garbs and espousing populist shibboleths to convince the masses that he's one of their own.

The Yahoo news article outlines that the real power in Iran has always been the clerics and their security apparatus. Before the votes were fully counted the country was already operating under seige mode. Internet connections and cell phone lines were cut, opponents arrested, stormtroopers were sent out to control major institutions, foreign and domestic press coverage was stifled or completly removed, and the supreme (with extra cheese) leader himself declared (twice) that their man had won even before the votes were all counted.

Ahmadinejad's post-election responses to CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour about the integrity of the voting process, the validity of the election results, and the safety of electorial opponents were little more than farcial drivel that could have been written by Saddam Hussein's former Information Minister. For example, he claims that Iran, "Is the most stable country in the world" and it is a country where "all are equal." I'm sure that is true, unless of course if you belong to any particular minority group or are a woman.

He states that citizens can vote for any candidate that they wish for. Brilliant, you can vote for any candidate that the Mullahs allow you to vote for and in the present case you will have the representatives that the Mullahs have dictated, in spite of the popular vote. In other words, "You're free to do as we tell you to do!"
"The situation is very good... everyone is friends."

"Iran is a political power" and will make "economic, scientific, and
cultural" gains in the years to come.
The real question in my mind is how much knowledge and involvement did he personally have in this sorid affair? Did he instigate the ballot rigging or was he only told he won with the blessings of the Mullahs? At what point did he know the Mullahs had his back covered?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Because They Panicked - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Because They Panicked - The Daily Dish By Andrew Sullivan

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Firstly, if I can digress with an introductory Thomas Jefferson quote: "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

What authoritarian governments fear most is their loss in maintaining and perpetuating power. Fear, once it takes hold of an individual or a dictatorship in this case, is not easily assuaged. It tunnels deep into the primal brain and stimulates terrible imaginations, which inevitably cascade into real life horrors. The clumsy and authoritarian meanderings of the Mullahs have confirmed unequivocally that Iran is a rogue nation with little capacity for reason or goodwill (especially to its own citizenry).

Perhaps the biggest winner of this act of self-immolation in the public arena is Israel. Having hectored endlessly and hysterically this past decade over the unstable nature of the Mullahs, one can only cede the Likudist crowd a few points here. What this does to Obama's Mideast peace plans and regional stability are unknowns.

Unfortunately Ken Pollock and the rest of the so-called establishment Middle East experts have already been asked what they think. The average 3-year old would at least give a more honest answer; that being they don't know, but these partisans exist only to dissemble and divulge disinformation.

The reason for dictatorships...

"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship."
-1984, George Orwell

Therein lies the gist of all so-called political revolutions. Nary one has occurred that didn't descend into a state of cronyism, criminality, and towards their end a persistent and extreme proclivity towards incompetence. Of course for the casual observer, one would say, "That's why it's called a revolution." You simply replace the current existing strata or ruling class with whatever group that happens to toil on the periphery of power. History also tells another story in which sooner or later the new organs of power will become diseased and the rot pervasive. Its all happened before and will happen again. Benjamin Franklin said this about the American revolution and the newly adopted constitution in 1787:
Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

Therefore with western eyes it comes as no surprise when the Chinese roll tanks into Tiananmen Square to butcher students, when Burmese Generals slaughter peasants and Buddhist monks and hold kangaroo courts against opponents, or as today has it, the Mullahs of Iran so fearful of transcendent change they dismiss the presidential elections as merely an academic exercise in public opinion management.

It's very simple to loath the "mad-Mullahs" and other religious-fanatics during these times. Theologically ordained gangsters, who issue fatwas declaring death to authors who fictionalize their precious religious mythology, permit rape and murder of foreign journalists who question their brutality, and execute children, can generally be described at their best as being detestable. On the economic front 82% of Iran's exports reside in oil and gas which flow East to China (another dictatorship) and Japan; inflation is listed at 25% per annum; and the state subsides gas, electricity, and a variety of consumer products. As all tyrants they claim divine right to authority, because they alone are the protectors of the sacred and defenders of society's integrity.

The early Romans, already well craft in Machiavellian arts, knew too well the religious undercurrents involved in subjugation, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” Thus when Iranians who lead the coup against the Shah are asked if the revolution has been betrayed, they respond begrudgingly with a stern no. They know very well that this was how the revolution was always meant to be; a dictatorship of frauds masquerading in clerical robes. With the apparatus of the secret police under their control and the military as their eager partner in crime, the dictatorship was always guaranteed.

Unlike Western democracies where the forces of propaganda are far more sophisticated, Asian despots have no use in subtleties. Rather, heavy-baton weilding shock-troops and the public fear of torturous incarceration are their modus operandi. A compliant populace can also be obtained when economic growth, prosperity, and materialism rise and substitute for individual liberty and freedom. The Chinese, for example, have found a way to have a shiny happy dictatorship that the ruling class, the local communist chieftains, and the nouveau-rich masses can support. This however, is not the situation in Iran or for most dictatorships. There exists in each historical case a universal want for power. It is an unquenchable devotion that manifests itself in the relentless pursuit towards dominion over others and in a cruel desire to punish the populace for the slightest of inconveniences. This is not a practice that will lead to prosperity, but instead collapse, revolution, and cyclical historical repetition.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bring it on!

In the Beginning...

Skepticism of our political leaders, religion, establishment ideology, and pretty much what Harry Frankfurt described in his 2005 book, "On Bullshit", has become my thing. Of course there is the point that you can't define yourself on all the things you don't like or believe in. However, that lazy indifference to reason and logic and the persistent characteristic of most people to not pursue knowledge, unless it has some sort of tangential commercial or career oriented value, strikes me as the central reason we are in the dire straits we are today.

Simply put: we are all morons, but some are more moronic than others.

If I have something of value to exchange with others, I'll share it. If there is something that illuminates the vast duncery of the adherents of any canned ideology, I will make an effort to exhibit.

The revolution won't be televised, but my hope is that this blog can be reached and equally held in contempt by propagandists everywhere.

Carpe Diem!